Pamela Hupp is a strange woman. In 2016 she lured a homeless man to her house under the guise of being an NBC Dateline producer. This was to frame Pam Hupp's friend's husband. This wou...
CrimeDiagnosis 669 viewsRapper Kanye West joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' discusses blowback over controversial shirt, his father, and history of racial discrimination in America. #FoxNews #Fox #Tucker Subscri...
TheEvidence 751 viewsRobert Pickton ran a pig farm in Canada. People had a habit of disappearing from it. When the police would finally investigate, well what they found wouldn't be too nice. But what happened aft...
CrimeDiagnosis 853 viewsBecome a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: LIVES...
TheEvidence 1,133 viewsIn 2001 what happened to journalist Kent Heitholt remained unsolved. However, Charles Erickson couldn’t remember what he did that night, and two years later Charles Erickson had a dream, which would...
CrimeDiagnosis 755 views